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03/23/17 05:26 PM #154    


Dorothy Kulp (Schilling)

That's amazing and wonderful.  Congratulations to him. He was always so nice in school. Wow, meeting Burt Reynolds, impressive!   Used to have such a crush.

03/27/17 10:38 AM #155    


Dorothy Kulp (Schilling)

Ha ha, Burt Reynolds ... but Dana was pretty hot too.

04/22/17 11:17 AM #156    


Joyce Gulledge (Taylor)

Good morning to everyone.  Happy Earth Day!  I tried the link to the 1969 class and couldn't get in.  Appears that the link doesn't work even with the System password.  Am I doing something wrong?  Please advise when you have time. Thanks.

05/28/17 01:11 PM #157    


Susan Farrar (Dontell)

I have the best friend in the world.  I've become diabled since the brain tumor and developing Mitochondria disease.  she wanted me to experience Africa.  So, she traded in all of her frequent flier miles so I could go first class and be able to lay down while she rode in coach.  Now, that's a friend.  Africa was great.  I saw so many animals.

06/15/17 12:06 PM #158    


Susan Farrar (Dontell)

I need help in financing a faith-b ased film.  In this world filled with so much chaos and violence, I feel we need a ‘feel good’ film to enlighten people as to the truly important issues in life.  We need to restore faith, harmony and unification in America. As an Indie filmmaker, I wish to produce a short faith-based film about a boy who loses his faith due to a traumatic episode in his early childhood. He becomes lost and a troubled teen.  Then, through a series of life altering events, he regains his faith. The film points out that we don’t always get what we want or what we think we need.  People need to stop feeling entitled to everything they desire.  The title of my film is, ‘Ask God.’  After surviving a life-threatening  brain tumor, I received a message in my sleep that compelled me to bound out of bed and write it down.  The message was to ask God for the answer, then open your heart and listen for the truth.  I didn’t know what it meant at the time.  Then, as a Make-A-Wish volunteer, I was asked to make a film for a little wish girl.  We didn’t have a song and driving to set one day, those memorable words came back to me.  Driving down the street, I scribbled the words of inspiration down on a piece of paper.  More words flowed and I had a full page when finished.  A man by the name of Fleet was playing the part of the angel in the film.  I called him that night as he is a singer.  He called back so excited that he had the melody in mind. Then, another friend, Joel, put it to music and we had a song.  I want to use the song in the film as well as the inspiration it motivated. It’s my intention this film will restore faith in everyone who watches it.  I need funds to be able to pay cast and crew, feed the cast and crew and secure locations, props and wardrobe for the filming; as well as entry fees to film festivals.  I have all the equipment we’ll need. I expect the filming to take four days over the period of two weekends.  I would appreciate anyone’s financial help to bring this project to fruition.

09/03/17 11:19 AM #159    


Robert Bain

To all my 1968 Classmates (7) living in or around Houston TX. We just weathered the most damaging storm and flooding from Hurricane Harvey and I pray for all and their families.

Our home and neighborhood was spared, although my house backs up to the Addicks Resevoir. Surrounding areas received up to 4 feet of flood water.

This will take years to repair areas of Houston but we all can help.smiley


09/04/17 07:00 AM #160    


David Woods

good morning, every one!

it is with a saddened heart that announce the passing of Dixie Lee over this weekend! 

Dixie and i were married for 27+ years before we divorced 1998!

i don't know all the details yet, but, i will pass them along as i have more info!


09/04/17 10:55 AM #161    


Dorothy Kulp (Schilling)

I'm so sorry to hear this. I've thought about her often and wondered where she was. Thank you for letting us know and please keep us updated.

09/04/17 11:57 AM #162    


Susan Farrar (Dontell)

Robert Bain, so glad you and your family are okay.

Sorry to hear of Dixie Lee's passing.  Wasn't her sistert Patty Lee?  Didn't they move to Central Florida in their last year of school?  I always liked them both.  so sad, we are losing too many.

09/13/17 07:07 PM #163    


Susan Farrar (Dontell)

I hope everyone fared well through Hurricane Irma. 

09/14/17 08:11 AM #164    

Linda Kempster (Mendez)

Love our beach home in St Augustine but Hurricane Irma didn't.  The house could have survived the hurricane but the tornado took quite a chunk and and the rest is history. 30 years in our beautiful home we built and in 5 months we celebrate our 50th anniversary. So many wonderful memories in our life to be thankful for. Two wonderful daughters, 3 beautiful granddaughters and one perfect son in law. We are all together and my family and friends have been amazing.  We are truly blessed. 

09/15/17 01:04 PM #165    


Valerie Sears (Rowe)


I am so sorry you lost your beach home. That is sad. But, all that can be replaced......I am glad you and your wonderful hubby & family are safe.

Happy Anniversary!


09/15/17 02:03 PM #166    

Carmen Perez (Perez)

So sorry about the loss of your home. Even though it is a very painful loss, thank God your family is alive and well. Happy 50th. May God Bless You and help you in the recovery. 😍🙏

09/16/17 07:38 AM #167    

Linda Kempster (Mendez)

Thank you for your special thoughts. We have each other and our family and friends. We will get through this but know this will take time. The process is overwhelming, mentally, physically and emotionally but i think we've gotten past the shock and now we are moving forward. So much to do. Bill keeps me strong as well as prayers. If anyone ever experiences anything like this and needs information on the process after a disaster they have experienced please do not hesitate to reach out to me. I am here to give any information I can as others are doing for me. I wil always keep the information I collect for others I might be able to help now and in the future. 

09/18/17 08:07 AM #168    

Arthur Stonelake

with all that being said  we need to  have a reunion   one day  at least to get together and share    we need  to do this   for the memories  and  share  the good things of the past and move forward   

09/19/17 02:13 PM #169    


Bobbie Carter (Keller)


If a reunion is in the future, please let me know. or 828-838-5595 Bobbie Carter Keller 


11/27/17 04:31 PM #170    


Susan Farrar (Dontell)

I went to my first Hot Air Balloon Festival in new Mexico.  We also went to Roswell, Carolbad Caverns, white Sands national Monument, etc.

02/10/18 12:21 PM #171    


Robert Bain

Hi Class

My hopes all are having a great start to 2018, the yr of our 50th HS reunion.

After years of consideration I have decided to walk the "Camino de Santiago De Compestella", 780 kilometers across Spain. If you have seen the move "the Way"- Martin Sheen, you will know why.

I leave early May this year and plan to complete the journey in 5 weeks. Although I have trained and completed four annual BPMS 150 (2 day bike ride from Houston to Austin 178miles) this is all walking. (ave 30 kilometers/day in mountains for 33 days).

I realized that having a bucket list is No good if you kick the bucket so this is my time. (although leaving wife and kids at home will be hard).

I hope all of you can complete your Personal Journey as we dont have an expiration date (not on my drivers license). And I wish you well (BUEN CAMINO)

02/10/18 05:26 PM #172    


Susan Farrar (Dontell)

Best wishes.  Take care.

02/10/18 05:51 PM #173    

Carmen Perez (Perez)



I am so happy you are doing the walk. I did see the movie and it was so inspiring. You have to send me the details because I want to add it to my bucket list. Is there a website that helps you plan where you stay, eat, etc? Are you walking alone? I will be praying 🙏 for you on your spiritual journey. May God Bless You!


Yes 50th reunion is a must! 😍     Go Chiefs!!!!


02/10/18 06:41 PM #174    


Tony Uriz

 Buen camino Roberto.  It's wonderful that you will be able to make the beautiful and spiritual journey.  I also enjoyed the link you had sent me about the walk.  I did watch the movie.  It was very moving. I wish you the best my friend.

02/11/18 08:33 AM #175    


Randy Ashurst

Wow Roberto  I've watched that movie several times and it really is so wonderful that you are stepping up and doing this.  I was stationed in Spain in the air force 71-73 and loved the country and foods.  Salute!

02/11/18 09:28 AM #176    


Robert Bain

Thanks to all for your kind words and encouragement. Yes, seeing Spain, via foot, will be an adventure and hopefully I gain from my personal journey. I realized "We don't get out of life alive" and  "We live our lives in moments", so at 68 yrs it was time for me to take a hike. Maybe a pilgrimage will show me "The Way".

02/11/18 01:38 PM #177    


David Woods

it is with a sad heart that i post that my ex wife Dixie Lee passed away Sept. 2, 2017!

02/12/18 10:39 AM #178    


Susan Farrar (Dontell)

David, so sorry to hear about Dixie.  I remember her and her twin Patty.  Didn't they move during senior year?

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