Valerie Sears (Rowe)
So sorry to hear about Dixie, Patty and PJ. Enjoy each day to the fullest as you never know when it's your last. Tell your loved ones you love them everyday!
Congrats to you Robert Bain on your wonderful journey! Please post lots of pictures when you return.
I will not be attending the 50th reunion this year as by the time, I heard about the reunion I had already booked my next great European adventure. Four days in London and then on to Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, and The Netherlands. I will continue to travel to Europe as long as my health allows.
I will try to attend the '67 reunion next year.
Life is good right now, my sister Anndrea's chemo seems to be working (she has stage IV lung cancer). My youngest daughter is expecting her 8th child (4th for her plus 4 step children) in August. My Granddaughter, Madisen Beaty is still doing the acting scene in Hollywood, CA. I'm still dating after ending a 2 year relationship in Oct. I have a wonderful job at ConocoPhillips just 11 minutes from home.
Life is good! I wish you all health and happiness!