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02/12/18 10:39 AM #178    


Susan Farrar (Dontell)

David, so sorry to hear about Dixie.  I remember her and her twin Patty.  Didn't they move during senior year?

02/12/18 03:09 PM #179    


Robert Bain


I always wanted to have our yearbook available online. 

here is the class of 1967, in case you had siblings, friends or neighbors in it   



(copy and paste into address bar or have kids do it for you) the site also has 69, 70, 71 and 64 and 66 yrbooks (partial)

02/13/18 07:13 PM #180    


David Woods

thank you, Susan! it was a shock! not really, they stayed, pretty much, in the same area! Dixie and i married in 1970 and Patty married before that! stay cool! peace!


02/14/18 01:26 PM #181    

Don Fedele

Sorry to hear that David.  I remember them both.  They were in my 5th grade class at North Carol City '60-61!  I had just moved down to Florida.  I lost touch with them after that.  If I remember right they were descendants of Robert E Lee?

02/15/18 11:19 AM #182    


David Woods

thank you, Don! it was quite a shock! hope all is well with you!!!


02/15/18 09:45 PM #183    


Leslie Lieberman (Thomas)

I haven't heard anything abou this. They found me for the previous reunions.

02/16/18 01:11 PM #184    


Susan Farrar (Dontell)

So very sad to hear about the shooting in Parkland.sad

03/19/18 10:39 AM #185    

Janis Barrett

Classmates:  please click on Home Page to see info on 50th Reunion!

03/19/18 01:08 PM #186    

Stanley/Diana Zeigler Shipman Shipman

Hope all is well with our classmates..But Stan and I will not be able to attend our 50th reunion.

We have had plans for a while the middle 2 wks of September.. Think about us as you meet and

mingle and reminsce .  Remember we are as young as we feel..............

Again we are sorry.  Have a great time.

Stan and Diana 

05/15/18 12:52 PM #187    

Ronny Aronson

One of our classmates PJ Fagan passed away May 4th after fighting lung cancer for the past 2 1/2 years

05/16/18 05:43 PM #188    


Linda Carley (Burrow)

I’m so sorry to hear about PJ. He was always so nice to everyone and was always happy and was fun to be around.  I will be praying for his family.   Best regards, Linda Carley Burrow 




05/17/18 12:25 PM #189    


Valerie Sears (Rowe)

So sorry to hear about Dixie, Patty and PJ. Enjoy each day to the fullest as you never know when it's your last. Tell your loved ones you love them everyday!

Congrats to you Robert Bain on your wonderful journey! Please post lots of pictures when you return.

I will not be attending the 50th reunion this year as by the time, I heard about the reunion I had already booked my next great European adventure. Four days in London and then on to Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Germany, Belgium, and The Netherlands. I will continue to travel to Europe as long as my health allows.

I will try to attend the '67 reunion next year.

Life is good right now, my sister Anndrea's chemo seems to be working (she has stage IV lung cancer). My youngest daughter is expecting her 8th child (4th for her plus 4 step children) in August. My Granddaughter, Madisen Beaty is still doing the acting scene in Hollywood, CA. I'm still dating after ending a 2 year relationship in Oct. I have a wonderful job at ConocoPhillips just 11 minutes from home.

Life is good! I wish you all health and happiness!


05/18/18 07:40 AM #190    

Carmen Perez (Perez)

So sorry to learn of PJ’s death. May his family find peace and understanding with their terrible loss. RIP PJ. God BlessπŸ™

Carmen Perez-Perez


05/19/18 03:15 PM #191    

Toby Arbit (Sussman)

I was sorry to hear about PJ. , thoughts & prayers to his family.

06/08/18 10:37 AM #192    

Janis Barrett

MCC classmates:   Congratulations to all on our 50th anniversary of our high school graduation at the Miami Beach Convention Center on June 8, 1968!  I really am looking forward to seeing as many of you as possible at our class reunion in September.  Please visit the website homepage for the latest update and notify all classmates you are in contact with to update their email address and login to the website to stay informed. 


Take care,


06/08/18 02:05 PM #193    

Wanda Gail Lane (Curcio)

Who on this message forum is attending the reunion in September?  I emailed Shirley and Rocelia months ago and asked if they could share who is registered and I did not get an answer from either one.  I would like to see if anyone I know is attending before I go down there.  Thanks, Gail Lane Curcio



06/09/18 01:48 PM #194    


Joyce Gulledge (Taylor)

Wanda, that sounds like a good idea about the attendees already registered.  I plan on going but my twin, Janice, won't be able to.  I'll be thinking of her though.  She's living in South Carolina now.  Looking forward to this reunion.  It's been ten years since the last one and it would be good to see our classmates again who can and will be able to attend.  See you all in September, God willing.

06/09/18 02:38 PM #195    

Paul Edling

Looking forward to the 50th class reunion. Paul and I are staying at the Hotel since we are traveling from Baton Rouge. Looking froward to seeing everyone. 

06/10/18 10:10 AM #196    

Carmen Perez (Perez)

I am also looking forward to the reunion. I have mailed my check and booked the hotel. It is going to be fun,πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

06/10/18 12:26 PM #197    

Dan Gleason

Sorry I can't make it. I'm in Italy flying a B-25 for the 50th anniversary remake of Catch-22. At least I'll make one 50th anniversary!

06/11/18 04:40 PM #198    


Jeanice Abbott (Riles)

I had heard that many of the 1968 class are going to go to the 2019 reunion instead of the 2018 since it was a short notice for our 50th?  Is anyone going to do the 2019 from the rumors that I have heard.  We are going to be on a project in Alabama during these dates for 2018.  Do we have any dates for the 2019 reunion? Please some one let me know for sure. 



06/14/18 12:53 PM #199    

Linda Van Berkel

i also would be interested in knowning if there might be a reunion in 2019 for our class, as i will be missing this year's get together.


06/17/18 11:39 AM #200    

Linda Van Berkel

hi betsy,  thanks for the information concerning next years reunion for the combined classes. both my brothers and i attended carol city, 67-69, in fact my younger brother has already asked me to attend with him so i'm looking forward to attending.

06/18/18 04:08 PM #201    

Janis Barrett

Class of '68:

I am sorry that some classmates cannot make the official Class of '68 50th Reunion in September of this year.  Thanks to the others of you for signing up and calling friends that may not have heard.  I again want to thank Shirley and Rocelia for all of their work to make this happen.  This will be the first reunion united and we all appreciate the continued interest.   I am looking forward to seeing you all there.

For classmates unable to make this Reunion and might be interested in the combined Reunion of classes '67-'70 please contact Betsy, class of '69, at this website:   She can enter you as a "guest" on their website and there you will find all the information.


Janis Barrett



06/18/18 07:33 PM #202    

Carmen Perez (Perez)

I plan on attending the 50th in Sept. I am looking forward to our official reunion, I hope more members of our class can go. See you there Janis. 😊

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